Become a Member

You can support the work of the NZ Python User Group by becoming a member of the organisation. Our fees are a modest $30/year ($15/year for students) and are put towards activities that keep the organisation running.

To keep things simple, we count memberships yearly from the 1st of September to the 31st of August. If we are part way through a year, you will be charged for the remainder of that year and your membership is valid until 31st August.

We use Hello Club to manage our membership because it makes membership renewals and group communication easier for us to administer.

Where do my details get stored?

Payment details are handled by Stripe. Personal information that you provide to us, like your name and email address is held in Hello Club, our member management portal. You can access the portal to review and update your information. Your details are accessible to the NZPUG Committee for activity related to your membership such as email communications or confirming your eligibility to vote in our AGM. If you have questions about this, please contact the Committee.

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